Armchair Scotch Ale

Brewery: Maclean’s Ales Inc.

Type: Scotch Ale

ABV: 7.5%

Thoughts: The aroma on this one was quite nice but not necessarily typical for this type of beer. It was sweet, which is normal, but then also had a bit of apple juice alongside some tanginess and citrus notes. Usually scotch ales have more of a malted grain and darker fruits like raisins and cherries.

The head was good. A mix of both large and small bubbles, coming to a foamy froth at the top.

I will have to remove a point for its colour, unfortunately. It’s kind of a hazy rust brown-orange. A bit pale, perhaps, without much depth to it.

In terms of the flavour and mouth-feel, it’s quite delicious! There’s a sharpness to the carbonation which actually helps cut through and balance out the sweetness. Contrary to the aroma it has that signature roasted malt and cherry-raising profile that I love.

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